Estados Unidos
Número Anuncio: 11565724
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 15-03-2016
Categoría:  Hogar > Ropa/Calzado > Hombre
Boots - Camo Pattern Thinsulate Hunting Boots - NEW! - $29 (Near Galludet University in NE, DC) These are brand new!!! Thought I could use them but necessary orthotic inserts I need make them too tight on my feet. Excellent quality. Men's SZ 10. I prefer email for the initial contact. If interested in my item, please reply via Craigslist email and leave your name and a phone number and what you want to purchase so I can reach you to set an appointment. I have a very uncertain schedule so need to make sure I can let you know when I will be available. I'll contact you as soon as I can.Thanks. LINK: A map showing my location, and directions, can be viewed at:

 Boots  Camo Pattern Thinsulate Hunting Boot - Imagen 1

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